Tomography platform

Tomography platform V

MICASOL Soleil synchrotron

synchrotron soleil

MICASOL is a high-tech platform on the Soleil synchrotron. It can be used to study the structure and behaviour of materials (by X analysis) at all scales, from the molecular and nanometric to the mesoscopic and macroscopic.

For example, MICASOL can perform a non-destructive analysis of the internal microstructure of solid polymer foams (to a resolution of 250 nm).

Our products:

  • High spatial resolution
  • Heterogeneity and defect searches
  • Temporal resolution
  • Shine: 10,000 times greater than that obtained with a commercial device
  • Ultra-fast data acquisition
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Full spectral analysis
  • Chemical characterisation spectral resolution in IR
  • Study of ultra-thin film



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